Wednesday 12 May 2021

Book Excerpt - Embers by Josephine Greenland #YoungAdult #BlogTour #CoffeePotBookClub @greenland_jm @maryanneyarde



By Josephine Greenland

Publication Date: 4th March 2021
Publisher: Unbound
Page Length: 336 pages
Genre: Young Adult / Crime / Mystery

Two siblings, one crime. One long-buried secret. 
17-year-old Ellen never wanted a holiday. What is there to do in a mining town in the northernmost corner of the country, with no one but her brother Simon – a boy with Asperger’s and obsessed with detective stories – for company? 
Nothing, until they stumble upon a horrifying crime scene that brings them into a generations-long conflict between the townspeople and the native Sami. When the police dismiss Simon’s findings, he decides to track down the perpetrator himself. Ellen reluctantly helps, drawn in by a link between the crime and the siblings’ own past. What started off as a tedious holiday soon escalates into a dangerous journey through hatred, lies and self-discovery that makes Ellen question not only the relationship to her parents, but also her own identity.


‘Do you hear that, Ellen?’ Simon said, excitement in his eyes. ‘There must be at least a hundred reindeer here!’

Ellen had been aware of the noise as soon they stepped out of the car. Now, she paid proper attention to it.

Beyond the bygdegΓ₯rd came a chorus of bleating. Loud, high-pitched, similar to that of sheep or goat. Chiming above the bleats, hollow and metallic, was the sound of bells.

The siblings moved towards the sound.

A large pen lay on the other side of the hall. It was partly amongst the trees, partly out in sunlight. A sea of brown moved inside it.

Reindeer. So many reindeer they were impossible to count. They trotted in circles around the pen, clockwise, forming a massive whirlpool with their bodies. As the siblings watched, one of the animals in the middle made a turn and the whole herd turned with it, causing a ripple effect through the bodies. Dust rose from the ground churned by hooves, bleats and bell chimes clashed against each other in broken rhythms. People stood lined up against the fence of the pen. They were perfectly still, and it was impossible to hear any talk through the bleating. As Ellen watched, one person stepped through the fence into the pen. Judging by the blonde plaits hanging down over the herder’s shoulders from under the cap, Ellen assumed it was a woman. She waded through the animals, arms raised, holding a coiled rope in her right hand. The animals didn’t seem to notice her until she made a lunge to the right. Then, the sea of reindeer parted itself. One group swerved to the left, the other to the right, regrouping at the far side of the pen. 

The woman approached the left group. Slower this time, drifting rather than walking. Ellen made out smaller animals. Calves, hiding behind their mothers. They tapped their hooves against the ground.

Just as the herd were about to scatter again, the woman sidestepped. She came up close to a calf at the back, held out her arms so he couldn’t rejoin the group, sidestepping until he had no more room to move. Then she threw the rope over the head of the animal and pulled tight.

The calf gave a loud bleat. It struggled against the rope, tried to walk away. The woman stumbled along with it at first, vanished from sight as the herd regrouped around her. Then she slipped through a funnel at the side, which led to a smaller pen further down, dragging the calf behind her. In the smaller pen, it tried to get away again, but the woman planted her feet squarely on the ground and leaned back, as if reclining in an invisible armchair.

The calf sank to its knees.

The woman straddled it and took out a knife. She bent down by its head, as if whispering to it, stroking its neck. Then with one swift movement, she made a cut in the animal’s ear.

The calf let out a high-pitched, drawn-out bleat.

Ellen drew her breath in. ‘That’s got to hurt! Is it bleeding?’

The woman made a second cut on the animal’s earlobe. Then she patted its neck and stepped off. The calf shook its head, then slowly stood up and returned to the other calves in the pen. Ellen assumed they’d already been marked.

The reindeer herder wiped dust off her face and turned to the people by the fence.

She wasn’t quite a woman. A girl, maybe two or three years older than Ellen. A grin crept onto her face. She said something, but her voice was drowned out by the thundering hooves from the big pen.

Another herder stepped through the fence. A boy, Ellen saw, as he turned to the crowd. The girl joined him, and together they moved towards the reindeer.

It became clear that the girl was more experienced. The boy’s movements weren’t as swift and subtle, he made big efforts to get hold of the reindeer rather than drifting towards them, and he did not have as much control with the rope. He needed several more tries before he finally got a calf. Once he had it on the ground, though, he was as gentle and efficient as the girl. In no time the calf was back on its feet, shaking its head slightly, but otherwise all right.

You can find it over on Amazon UKAmazon USWaterstonesUK Bookshop

Josephine is a Swedish-British writer from Sweden, currently working as an English teacher in Edinburgh. She has a BA in English from the University of Exeter, and an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Birmingham. She started writing novels at the age of nine, but only began writing seriously in English while at university, for her first creative writing course (2015). Since then, she’s had 14 short stories published, won two competitions and been shortlisted twice. Embers is her first novel, inspired by her travels in northern Sweden with her brother, and was her dissertation project for her MA. When not writing, she enjoys playing music, jogging, hiking, and discussing literature with her cat. 

Sunday 28 March 2021

Book Review: Ropewalk; Rebellion. Love. Survival (The Ropewalk Series, Book 1) by H D Coulter #HistoricalFiction #Ropewalk #BlogTour #CoffeePotBookClub @coulter_hd @maryanneyarde


The Book Bandit's Library and The Coffee Pot Book Club Presents: 

Ropewalk; Rebellion. Love. Survival
(The Ropewalk Series, Book 1)
By H D Coulter

Publication Date: 23rd November 2020. Publisher: Independently Published. Page Length: 243 Pages. Genre: Historical Fiction

The North of England, 1831. 

The working class are gathering. Rebellion is stirring, and the people are divided. 

Beatrice Lightfoot, a young woman fighting her own personal rebellion, is looking for an opportunity to change her luck. When she gains the attention of the enigmatic Captain Hanley, he offers her a tantalising deal to attend the May Day dance. She accepts, unaware of the true price of her own free will. 

Her subsequent entanglement with Joshua Mason, the son of a local merchant, draws all three into a destructive and dangerous relationship, which threatens to drag Beatrice, and all she knows into darkness. 

Now, Beatrice must choose between rebellion, love and survival before all is lost, and the Northern uprising changes her world forever. 

Book Rating:

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = I could not put this book down. I Highly Recommend.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = A really great read.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = It was enjoyable.

πŸ“šπŸ“š = It was okay.

πŸ“š = Um...! πŸ˜•

My Review
Ropewalk; Rebellion. Love. Survival

There are some books that you say that you can’t put down, just for the sake of a review, and there are others that you honestly could not unglue from your hands. This book falls into the latter category.

The perfect gentleman, the perfect man, Joshua belongs with Bea, but he is upper class and she is not. He is such a wonderful person that I just wanted to push him and Bea together and let them be together while I warded off everyone who was trying to keep them apart!

Besides the obvious romance and longing, there is intense drama, the life-threatening kind that saw me sat on the edge of my seat.

The author has written the story brilliantly and I am so glad I was given the opportunity to read it.

You can find it over on Amazon UK and  Amazon US

H D Coulter

Hayley was born and raised in the lake district and across Cumbria. From a young age, Hayley loved learning about history, visiting castles and discovering local stories from the past. Hayley and her partner lived in Ulverston for three years and spent her weekends walking along the Ropewalk and down by the old harbour. She became inspired by the spirit of the area and stories that had taken place along the historic streets.

As a teacher, Hayley had loved the art of storytelling by studying drama and theatre. The power of the written word, how it can transport the reader to another world or even another time in history. But it wasn't until living in Ulverston did she discover a story worth telling. From that point, the characters became alive and she fell in love with the story.

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Wednesday 24 March 2021

Book Review: The Test of Gold (Hearts of Gold, Book 1) by Renee Yancy @YancyRenee @maryanneyarde


The Test of Gold
(Hearts of Gold, Book 1)
By Renee Yancy

Publication Date: 15 March 2021. Publisher: Vinspire Publishing. Page Length: 335 pages. Genre: Historical Romance

Raised in the shadow of a mother who defied convention, but won’t allow her own daughter the right to make the same choices, heiress Evangeline Lindenmayer has been groomed since childhood to marry into the British aristocracy. 

When Lindy challenges her mother’s long-laid plans by falling in love with a poor seminary student, the explosion is bigger than the Brooklyn Bridge fireworks on Independence Day.

Book Rating:

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = I could not put this book down. I Highly Recommend.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = A really great read.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = It was enjoyable.

πŸ“šπŸ“š = It was okay.

πŸ“š = Um...! πŸ˜•

My Review
The Test of Gold 

I haven't read a historical romance in quite a while, but this novel really piqued my interest. It is set in America (for the most part) in the late 19th Century and tells the story of one woman's ambition to rise to the very top of the social ladder, and another's desire to escape social convention and obligations and marry the man she loves.

Evangeline, like the servants, and I think, also her father, lives in fear of her mother's wrath. Her mother controls every aspect of Evangeline's life. Evangeline's only escape is by reading books. And it is this love for reading which meant she crossed-paths with Jack. At first, these unlikely pair become friends, but it isn't long before like turns to love. But there are many obstacles in the way. Evangeline must find the strength to disobey her mother and turn her back on the life she has been accustomed to if she wants to marry the man she loves.

I thought this book was fabulous from beginning to end.

I highly recommend this novel.

You can find it on Amazon UK, Amazon Us and Barnes & Noble

Renee Yancy is a history and archaeology nut who writes the kind of historical fiction she loves to read – stories filled with historical detail that immerse you in another place and time. When she isn't writing historical fiction or traveling to see the places her characters have lived, she can be found in the wilds of Kentucky with her husband and two rescue mutts named Ellie and Charlie. 

You can find Renee on the following social media platforms.

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Thursday 18 March 2021

Book Review: A Sword Among Ravens (The Long-Hair Saga) By Cynthia Ripley Miller


A Sword Among Ravens
(The Long-Hair Saga)
By Cynthia Ripley Miller

Publication Date: 9th December 2020
Publisher: BookLocker
Page Length: 267 Pages
Genre: Romantic Historical Mystery

In a grave, on the edge of a Roman battlefield, an ancient sword has been discovered. Legend claims it belonged to King David of Israel and carries a curse—those who wield it will tragically die—but not the chosen.   

AD 455. Arria Felix and her husband, Garic the Frank, have safely delivered a sacred relic to Emperor Marcian in Constantinople. But now, Arria and Garic will accept a new mission. The emperor has asked them to carry the sword of King David of Israel to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem where Arria will dedicate it in her murdered father’s memory.

As Arria and Garic travel into the heart of the Holy Land, they face many challenges and dangers. Their young daughter is missing then found in the company of a strange and suspicious old monk. A brutal killer stalks their path. And a band of cold-blooded thieves is determined to steal the sword for their own gains. But when Arria confronts the question of where the sword should truly rest—old friendships, loyalties, and her duty are put to the test like never before. At every turn, Arria and Garic find themselves caught in a treacherous mission wrapped in mystery, murder, and A Sword Among Ravens.

Book Rating:

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = I could not put this book down. I Highly Recommend.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = A really great read.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = It was enjoyable.

πŸ“šπŸ“š = It was okay.

πŸ“š = Um...! πŸ˜•

My Review

A Sword Among Ravens


This book was so good. I simply could not turn away from it. A cursed sword of King David and a woman who is determined to take the sword to a place of safety  was enough in itself to catch my attention. I always love reading about strong women in a world that was historically dominated by men.  And Arria is certainly strong, and remains strong despite what life throws her way.

This book was a real pleasure to read and I will certainly be looking into reading the rest of the series as I would love to know how this story began.

You can find this book over on Amazon UKAmazon USAmazon CA Amazon AU Barnes and NobleKobo

Cynthia Ripley Miller is a first generation Italian-American writer with a love for history, languages, and books. She has lived in Europe and traveled world-wide, holds two degrees, and taught history and English. Her short fiction has appeared in the anthology Summer Tapestry, at Orchard Press, and The Scriptor. She is a Chanticleer International Chatelaine Award finalist with awards from Circle of Books-Rings of Honor and The Coffee Pot Book Club. She has reviewed for UNRV Roman History, and blogs at Historical Happenings and Oddities: A Distant Focus and on her website,

Cynthia is the author of On the Edge of Sunrise, The Quest for the Crown of Thorns, and A Sword Among Ravens, books 1-3 in her Long-Hair Saga series set in Late Ancient Rome, France, and Jerusalem. Cynthia lives outside of Chicago with her family, along with a cute but bossy cat. 

Website FacebookTwitter PinterestAmazonGoodreads

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Proud to present The North Finchley Writers’ Group by Richard Tearle, with Helen Hollick @lordf34 @HelenHollick @maryanneyarde


The Book Bandit's Library and The Coffee Pot Book Club Presents: 

The North Finchley Writers’ Group 
By Richard Tearle, with Helen Hollick

Publication Date: 2nd February 2021
Publisher: Taw River Press
Page Length: 142 pages
Genre: Contemporary Romance

When a group of north London writers meet each month for a chat, coffee, and cake – what else is on their agenda? Constructive criticism? New Ideas? An exciting project? And maybe, more than one prospective romance...?

Eavesdrop on the monthly meetings of the North Finchley Writers' Group, follow some ordinary people with a love of story writing, and an eagerness for success. Discover, along with them, the mysteries of creating characters and plot, of what inspires ideas, and how real life can, occasionally, divert the dream...



My name – my personal and professional name – is Rob Taylor and I'm a writer. 

It is rather strange to state that as a fact after years of scribbling, despair at rejections tempered by moments of high elation when one of my stories was accepted by a respected magazine. But I can state it as a truth now, for I write regularly for several publications, and my first compilation has recently been published with a fixed contract for two more to follow. At the moment, I write short stories, but more than a few friends have encouraged me with prompts such as “You have a novel in you, you know,” and, “A short story has the potential to be a novel writ long.” I am working on the idea.

But enough of that.

About a year or so ago, I was unexpectedly made redundant. Jobless, but with a good-enough redundancy bank balance to keep me going for a bit, and a determination to do what I wanted to do – write – I took the plunge and converted the spare bedroom into a study. I started writing full time and joined the North Finchley Writers' Group, where I met some lovely people who, one way or another, gave me the encouragement to develop my ideas.
All to my satisfaction, but my wife's dismay. 

The members of our writers’ group are a very mixed bunch, as you will find out. We meet every month at a different house and whoever is the host gets to provide tea and coffee – often with cake or ‘light snacks’ – and chooses a topic for discussion. We talk, voice opinions and yes, sometimes we argue. But it is all forgotten when we walk away into the night.


They've had quite a turnover of members over the years. Some who came for a couple of meetings and then disappear. Some who weren't really writers but 'dabble' and think that attending a writers' group meeting makes them one. They never last long. Some have moved along and, sadly, one or two have passed on to the great Library in the Sky. Nowadays we have about a dozen or so regulars. There are one or two who are deliberately obstructive. Outspoken.  Single minded. Cantankerous. 

Some are shy and introvert and, in truth, offer little. But they listen and learn, and that is what we are all there for. To learn from others, be they best sellers or unpublished writers. Because, whatever our differences, we stick together and, if anyone is down, we stand by them and offer encouragement. If someone is on a high, then we enthuse in their success.

Most of us, anyway.

We do have a few Best Sellers. Angela Knight, for example, and Zak Nichols. Charlotte Caroll is more than adept at Regency romances, (not my bag, but, well, credit where credit's due) and Jean Hart uses her history degree to good effect, as does Hilary Jackson, albeit covering a different period of time.

I'll introduce them all properly as we go along...

You can find this novel over on Amazon

A Word From Richard Tearle 

“To the writing community, whether they be traditionally published, indie or aspiring.  
You make the rocking world go round...Writers are such a wonderful community – supportive, helpful and ever willing to give their time and expertise to one humble chap such as I. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Richard – December 2020

 A Word From Helen Hollick

It was with great enthusiasm that I encouraged Richard to write this, his first novel. His enjoyment of creating a good story, I felt, should be shared to readers and writers, everywhere. Unfortunately, at the editing stage, Richard became ill, involving hospitalisation. In discussion with his son, rather than abandon the project or put it on hold, we decided that the best course of action was for me to continue with getting this book published on his behalf. The characters, plot – the story – are all Richard’s immense talent, I merely tidied up and added the final polish, coming in as ‘painter and decorator’ to Richard’s main role as architect, designer, and builder. 

Social Media Links:
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Saturday 30 January 2021

Book Review: Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase @NicholeChase


Suddenly Royal 

By Nichole Chase

Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2 April 2013)

Paperback : 464 pages

Samantha Rousseau is used to getting her hands dirty. Working on a master’s degree in wildlife biology while helping take care of her sick father, she has no time for celebrity gossip, designer clothes, or lazy vacations. So when a duchess from the small country of Lilaria invites her to dinner, Samantha assumes it’s to discuss a donation for the program. The truth will change the course of her life in ways she never dreamed . . .

As crown prince of Lilaria, Alex D’Lynsal has had his share of scandalous headlines, but the latest pictures in the press have sent him packing to America and forced him to swear off women. That is, until he meets Samantha Rousseau. She’s stubborn, feisty, and incredibly sexy. Not to mention heiress to an estate in his country, which makes her everyone’s front-page news. While Sam tries to navigate her new world of politics and wealth, she will also have to dodge her growing feelings for Alex. Giving in to them means more than just falling in love; it would mean accepting the weight of an entire country on her shoulders.

 Book Rating:

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = I could not put this book down. I Highly Recommend.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = A really great read.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = It was enjoyable.

πŸ“šπŸ“š = It was okay.

πŸ“š = Um...! πŸ˜•

My Review 

Suddenly Royal 


There are books, and then there are books. Suddenly Royal falls into the latter. This novel was so much fun, in fact it is one of those book where you find yourself laughing out-loud. 

Sam is a character that I simply adored. She works so hard for what she wants - a real inspirational heroine. She is one of those people who are always put others first. What really closed the deal for me with Sam is that she loves books!!!

Alex, what a sweetheart. His relationship with Sam was wonderful to witness, very heartwarming. 

I thought this book was fabulous from beginning to end. 

I Highly Recommend this novel. 

You can find it over on Amazon

Nichole Chase is a daydreamer. No, really, just ask any of the math teachers that had the misfortune of seeing her name appear on their class schedule. For years she has had story lines and characters begging for attention, but she resolutely pushed them aside to focus on more normal (read, boring) jobs. Well, no longer! She is currently heeding the voices in her head and frantically writing their stories. Nichole resides in South Georgia with her husband, energetic daughter, super hero dog, Sulcata tortoise, and two cats. When not devouring novels by the dozens, you may find her writing, painting, crafting, or chasing her daughter around the house while making monster noises.


Tuesday 5 January 2021

Book Review: The Bear's Fated Mate (Borealis Bears Book 2) by Vivian Arend @VivianArend


The Bear's Fated Mate 
(Borealis Bears Book 2) 
By Vivian Arend

  • Publisher : Arend Publishing Inc. (November 19, 2019)
  • Publication date : November 19, 2019

He’s going to pick someone perfectly wrong for him—because fate isn’t in charge of his world!

A stand alone title in a brand-new shifter trilogy by New York Times bestselling author Vivian Arend.

As head of security for the family company, polar bear shifter Alex Borealis has intel warning something big is about to happen. His prime suspect? Tantalizing, infuriating Lara Lazuli, youngest daughter of Borealis Gems’ main competitor. But when mating fever hits, he decides she’s the perfect one to turn to. They’ve got chemistry hot enough to melt the polar ice caps, but he doesn’t trust her enough for a permanent connection to form.

Being with Alex is one step shy of torture for Lara. As a wolf shifter, she scented the truth the instant she met him months ago—he’s her mate. But she’s not about to trap anyone into being with her, especially not a man who thinks she’s up to no good. Add in her own suspicions of wrong-doing in her pack and Lara’s caught between heaven and hell.

But tangled sheets lead to real communication, and a bond of friendship forms that neither expected. When Lara asks for help, Alex finds himself living in the pack house, scaring off random Alpha wolves and fighting at her side.

Because the mating fever knows a thing or two about fate and forever.

Book Rating:

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = I could not put this book down. I Highly Recommend.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = A really great read.

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š = It was enjoyable.

πŸ“šπŸ“š = It was okay.

πŸ“š = Um...! πŸ˜•

My Review 

The Bear's Fated Mate


I love shifter romances, they are always so much fun, and this novel was no excerption. I mean, come on, who does not enjoy a polar bear shifter romance?!

Lara knows that Alex is her fated mate, but Alex does not know that...yet! There is quite a lot of sex in this book so if that is not your thing then this book would probably not be for you.

I thought the author did an amazing job bringing these characters to life, and it was really worth the time I spent dedicated to reading it. I will certainly be reading more books by this author in the future.

You can find it on Amazon

With over 2.5 million books sold, Vivian Arend is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 65 contemporary and paranormal romance books, including the Stones of Heart Falls, Six Pack Ranch and Granite Lake Wolves.

Her books are all standalone reads with no cliffhangers. They're humorous yet emotional, with sexy-times and happily-ever-afters. Vivian pretty much thinks she's got the best job in the world, and she's looking forward to giving readers more HEAs. She lives in B.C. Canada with her husband of many years and a fluffy attack Shih-tzu named Luna who ignores everyone except when treats are deployed.

For news, free vignettes, and all sorts of mischief, sign up for Vivian's newsletter: 

Book Excerpt - Embers by Josephine Greenland #YoungAdult #BlogTour #CoffeePotBookClub @greenland_jm @maryanneyarde

  Embers By Josephine Greenland Publication Date: 4th March 2021 Publisher: Unbound Page Length: 336 pages Genre: Young Adult / Crime / Myst...